Daedalus Thread News!

6:03 PM

I thought of a labyrinth of labyrinths, of one sinuous spreading labyrinth that would encompass the past and the future and in some way involve the stars. Absorbed in these illusory images, I forgot my destiny of one pursued. I felt myself to be, for an unknown period of time, an abstract perceiver of the world.”
- Jorge Luis Borges, The Garden of Forking Paths

Hello Threaders, I wanted to send out some recent updates going on in my world! Enjoy the quote from Borges above, it’s from one of my favorite stories that helped inspire the creation of The Daedalus Thread.

I am knee-deep in the writing process of my latest book, scheduled for completion next year. It is a fiction work, and no it will not be a sequel to RED Mass, as some have inquired in the past. Once the first draft is complete and I enter editing mode, I will start talking more about it, posting marketing material, etc. I’d like to get an agent so if anybody out there has one that specializes in magical, urban fantasies, let me know.

Here are some of the exciting new developments spiraling at The Daedalus Thread:

My latest article, "An Agonizing Reappraisal," was recently published in the most prestigious printed publication on the shamanic arts, The Journal of Contemporary Shamanism, Volume 7, Issue 2. The Journal has been around for quite sometime, and is the center of the online Society of Shamanic Practitioners. This article was previously published and has caused a lot of intriguing feedback, some negative and some positive. On the negative, I’ve gotten a lot of lashing comments about my attacks on the new spiritual paradigm, and on the positive I have been invited to speak at an international plant medicine conference (an invitation which I respectfully declined).

DON'T WALK IN WINTER WOOD, the Italian Edition
This came out a while ago, but I’m just now getting around to adding it to my Books section. I contributed a story to the role-playing game Don’t Walk in Winter Wood, and the creator Clint Krause implemented the production of an Italian edition to it. So, I have now been published in Italian (never thought I would say that). Check it out on Amazon!

This past year I started a comic book project I have been wanting to work on since I was a kid. So, you can imagine this is a great passion of mine! It’s called ORACLE, a sci-fi epic for all ages. I am planning on producing an issue per year (or more, if time allows). You can read all of  Issue #1 right here! I have the entire story written, now it’s just a matter of drawing it all out! Once the New Year rolls around, I will be starting work on the cover and first pages of Issue #2, which will feature a guest appearance by Sojourn, a creation of my childhood friend, and fellow writer, Aaron Conaway!

My beloved Autumn and I have been under an intense study this past year as well, in the mystical Qabalah. The Qabalah is based on Jewish mysticism, but has evolved through the Western Mystery Tradition, into being a template of consciousness navigation. We have been outlining this study in blog posts while undergoing an intense series of bi-weekly meditations, called a Pathworking. This is roughly a two year process and you can view all the craziness on my Mystic Path section. Get on your thinking caps for this one (or eat some mushrooms)! Check it out here!

Thanks for checking in! I appreciate each one of who takes the time to click on and tune out to one of my musings. Be sure to check out my list of favorite sites for other creative goodness!

In Gratitude,

Daniel Moler

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