The New Superman *yawn*
10:55 AM
So, here it is. The latest picture of Henry Caville as Superman for Warner Brother's latest DC Comics film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. I don't normally write and critique anything in regards to pop culture, unless it really rubs me raw, such as the writing of Frank Miller. So, before we move forward with my rant, here is the pic:
First off, I expected this. For me, Man of Steel was a disappointment. It was too dark and somber for me to care about the story and then nothing but destruction porn at the end. Plus, I was one of those many viewers who brought their kids, hoping and expecting to give them the same inspirational experience I received when watching Christopher Reeves in the theaters with my dad.
Let's get down to it. It's not that Superman killed. It's that my children watched Superman snap Zod's neck. It's that every aspect of the story was weeping, moping, and the gritty nature of this dejected alien calling itself Clark Kent. When I got home with my dad back in the day, I tied the bed sheets around my neck and jumped off the couch saving people from harm. When my kids got home, they told me they didn't want to be like Superman. There was absolutely no appeal to be like the character they just got drilled into their heads for three hours.
The inspiration of heroes is gone.
I haven't shared my disappointment regarding this new WB/DC reboot of trying to kick-start their own Marvel-esque franchise (despite their denial otherwise). But, some of the comments that have come out this morning with the new image has stirred something within me . . . not the critiques of the pic and movie, but the critiques of the critiques.
Such as:
What I have to say is this (my apologies for my FB friends for seeing a repeat of information):
Why does Superman "need" to evolve? Who established somewhere in stone that this character needs to be anything other than what he is, that he needs to be a darkened bore in order for a modern audience to relate to him? Are we really that dull? Do we really need to take that stance because some studio exec or marketing rep told us that we need a "new" Superman for a "new" world?
I don't buy it.
Superman is a mythological symbol, and symbols don't need to change, they are timeless. They are timeless not because someone says so, but because the original concept inspired someone so much that that symbol was carried on through the generations. Athena hasn't turned into some foolhardy, reckless teenager in order for her significance to be relevant. She is about wisdom and precision, and always will be. She is the symbol for that, which will always stand true. Superman is a symbol of light, of inspiration, of hope, of doing what it takes to help others. There was none of that in Man of Steel, and as we can see we won't be getting any of that in the foreseeable future.
Anytime I hear someone say Superman "needs" to change I just get the feeling they are trying to justify watching a guy with super strength beat shit up and destroy things. They want explosions while eating popcorn.
And don't give me that creative license crap. If someone needs to turn a character completely away from its original idea (so that if you changed the costume you wouldn't even recognize them) then they aren't being creative . . . they're going for shock value alone, because they know it sells.
Things can change, they can be "new", but you don't always have to dismantle the old in order to make it happen. You can maintain the integrity of idea and still move it forward into new and uncharted territory. Warner Brothers and Zack Snyder do not know how to do this, apparently. The only thing that NEEDS to change is the notion that something has to be grim and gritty in this society in order for it to be taken seriously. There is a way to make something of quality for both children and adults, that doesn't have to be overloaded with gratuitous violence and sexuality.
And thus the crotchety parent inside of me surfaces.
Interestingly enough, this same day DC Comics decided to release a new "selfie" image of Superman from their comics line, perfectly embodying the iconic lightness of Superman contrasted by the darkness of Batman. Gratefully there are still those out there who appreciate having fun over blowing shit up.