RED MASS News: Closer to Self-Publication!
10:26 AMAfter a year of sending off queries to literary agents and big-time publishers, I figured out how many hoops I would have to jump through in order to get someone to even consider looking at my submission. I promised myself I would give it a year...not to get a "Hey, I'll publish you!" response, but to at least get a non-templated response with some actual feedback or criticism. I got none. Even talking to some agents (the Book Doctors from Pitchapalooza) they explained the game of agentry in which I would have to go out of my way, devoted full-time to kissing some stranger's ass to even get them to think about looking at my work. I work full-time. I'm a full-time parent. Plus, I have a life I'm not willing to give up to hit the "big time." So, I said forget it.
After much research I'm going to go with CreateSpace as a self-publisher. It is by the far the cheapest option (if you do the formatting and cover yourself, which I am) and you get automatic distribution on Amazon (the largest in the biz). Its only fallback seems to be Amazon's buy-over of recyclable ISBNs, which prevent one from moving to other distribution channels and can cause all sorts of headaches. So, I purchased my own ISBN (thank you Mom and Dad) and Red Mass is already registered as a book in the database.Of course, as with most self-publishing, I will be responsible for the marketing.
I've spent the past week formatting the text to CreateSpace's uploading specifications (a major bitch) and now working on the final formatting specs of the cover (even more of a bitch). But I think within a week or so the product will be fully loaded into CreateSpace. They will take a few weeks (or maybe months) to review and make sure it's not pronography or anything, then send me a draft copy for my own review. After that I send whatever changes I do or do not have and then.... TA DA!!! I'll have a book!
I'm in discussions to have another distribution channel through Shaman's Market ( which will be a perfect audience for Red Mass. Also, the owner of Aquarius Books ( Barbara Criswell has talked with me about doing my first book-signing/release party. Much in the works.
Will keep updating when I can. In the meantime, here is a preview of the back cover. Cheers!