The Mystic Path - Insight Journal Entry 5/15/14
4:55 PM
Here is a little bit I want to share on where I've come so far, and where I am going on this current Pathworking on the Tree of Life. This is based on MY own personal journey, though also within the context of executing this Pathworking within a Lodge of other Initiates:
PATH 32 - The Gate, the entrance (and end) into all that is. Knowing the Path of Initiation is both a beginning and an end lends to the ouroboric nature of all things. Comforting and terrifying all at the same time.
PATH 31 - As we delved into the Underworld in Path 32, things have now been drudged up from the murk. This is not to suffer through (as I did) but to recognize those things that did not serve me. I began to formulate that which how I want my spiritual walk to be implemented here on Malkuth. It was hard.....and I think it's hard because many of us think we are walking our true spiritual walk, but the Path of Judgement will show you how it really looks.
PATH 30 - After realizing what no longer serves me and how I want to truly Walk, this is the Path where the opportunity comes to give it a try. In this Path I concreted my daily spiritual prayer regimen, something I have been wanting to do my whole life but lacked the discipline for. I also sent out to the world and got published my article "An Agonizing Reappraisal" something I formulated in Path 31, which outlines my emerging spiritual ethic. This was my craft: will I use it wisely for humankind? Or will I create an A-bomb and abuse my knowledge? Although this Path had its highs, a great lesson in the Trump is that you will dance in the Sun, but be ready to fall and land back on the rock with a thud. Pick up and move on to the next Path.
PATH 29 - Now that my spiritual ethic has been tossed out into the world, it's time to let it germinate before implementing it. The Moon was all about subtlety and letting that data sit underneath the surface of the waters and watch it take effect. This Path was so subtle in fact it was very hard to register the conscious outlines of it. The image of the iceberg comes to mind: 90% of it under water and that 90% actually being what's driving the direction above. I can't didactically explain it, but ANPU (Anubis) has connected with me greatly on this Path: the Neter of the Horizon, the horizon is the place between worlds, that isn't really there (as John Nichols taught me) because you can't ever actually get to it or touch it.....however, it seemingly still separates two realms: above and below. I have been in that space...and feel very comfortable there. We have ended this Path on the Full Moon, I must point out.
PATH 28 - The next Path, The Emperor, is beginning soon and will kick off Stone Dance, one of our most sacred rituals here in this community. This is where my implementation of the spiritual ethic I have created for myself will be made manifest by my hands: I have committed to teaching more again and will be bringing that back out into the world. Interesting to note Stumbling Deer's vision quest for Stone Dance had a lot to do with the stars and fireflies (the star beings here on Malkuth...The Star is sometimes used in this Path as well). This Path is about manifesting the dreams created on the previous Paths....they are all working consecutively in perfect alignment.

ASTRAL TRIAD - it is important to be aware of the relationships among certain sets of Sephirot and Paths. Note that soon, once we complete The Tower, we will have completed the bottom inverted triangle (form) on the Tree of Life: The Astral Triad (see red triangle in pic). This triad is the etheric framework which is the foundation of physical matter, where the Lady of Nature (Netzach) and the Lord of Books (Hod) have been equilibrated by the MIstress of Witchcraft (Yesod). This is why The Tower is the last card on this Triad, we must be tested for purity in order to continue on to the higher aspects of the Tree. It must be ensured our energies are pristine. This is a huge accomplishment and we should be proud of our progress so far, but not too proud for hubris is one of the prime vices that will make us crash and failure will ensue. Regardless, I am looking forward to this completion, representing the foundation of the rest of this most holy of Great Work.