It has been a while since I've been attentive to this site and it's about time here in the Year of Our Lord 2014 that I take up the pen (or keyboard, rather) and make a go at blogging again. A lot has happened in the past year or so, including teaching my second round of shamanic apprenticeships in Peruvian curanderismo as well as finding and moving in with the love of my life, Autumn Paige (see below):
Autumn and I are working on new high-brow spirit-led adventure that's akin to taking a year-long road trip through the many vistas of consciousness. We are calling it The Mystic Path.
The Mystic Path is our endeavor to explore and deepen our relationship with God (the Divine/Great Spirit/ Jehovah/the Universe/whatever) through a series of cooperative workshops based upon the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Noted as being Judaic in origin, the symbol designated as the Tree of Life is claimed by some esoteric scholars to have more ancient roots, stemming from Egypt and even Atlantis (if you believe in that sort of thing). It is a tool which acts as a road map of the Universe, leading from the individual to God and back again, with many stages and pathways in between.
Initiates in the Mystery Schools of old (and most recently, secret societies and Western-based esoteric lodges) used the Tree of Life as a meditative and divinatory device. This assisted the Initiate in facilitating their own relationship with the many aspects and manifestations of God, as well as their own Soul. This process is typically called a Pathworking, which is an intensive meditation communing with each pathway and sphere (called a Sephiroth) on the Tree to deepen one's understanding of the many symbols and meanings hidden within it.
With a total of 32 paths embedded within the Tree of Life, there is an almost unlimited number of ways to go about this process; however, some of the greatest Masters of the esoteric arts have contributed to perfecting this process over time, and with successful results.
Our Mystic Path program is designed to take Autumn and I's years of spiritual and philosophical tutelage in the shamanic arts, as well as the yoga tradition, to facilitate a series of Pathworkings exploring all 32 paths on the Tree of Life. There are many different traditions and practices within the Qabalah (some orthodox, some not); the Mystic Path involves the knowledge and practices as provided to us by the founder of the Institute for Spiritual Archaeology, John Nichols. John has worked within the lineage directly connected to one of the greatest mystics to have sprung out of the Western Mystery Tradition: Dion Fortune! I'm thrilled, as Dion has been one of my heroes for years and years, a prime inspiration for my spirit-walk. Dion Fortune was a big-time guru in the British occult scene back in the early 20th Century. A prolific writer and successful psychologist, Dion was instrumental in formulating the most comprehensive synthesis on the Qabalah with hermetic magical arts to date. She dubbed this ancient practice: "The Yoga of the West."
Below is the family tree of the lineage we are working from, connecting teacher-to-apprentice four generations back. It is important to Autumn and I to honor those that have passed down this knowledge through the generations:
John has an incredible mind and heart, and is a true friend! Right now, he is Florida currently getting his hands on a boat to discover if there is anything to the recent claims of underwater pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle. You can review his exploits on the Institute for Spiritual Archaeology's website! Good luck John!
Our Pathworkings will begin the Spring Equinox of 2014. With a total of 32 paths, each path lasts for two weeks each for a total Pathworking series of 64 weeks (15 months). It is a long endeavor which will require a lot of discipline. But, my apprenticeship in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition was longer, so I imagine I will be fine. We are currently gathering like-minded folk who are willing to participate in the journey with us, not as spectators, but as active and equal participants taking responsibility for their own Pathworking, at the same time adhering to the integrity of a group consciousness. If you are interested, let me know!
The Lodge of the People Mystery School (Autumn and I's educational community) will be offering two classes before the actual Pathworkings begin. The classes will assist in preparing individuals for the 15 months ahead. They are:
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I may look asleep but I was just trying to save my soul from the camera. Poor Autumn! |
The Mystic Path is our endeavor to explore and deepen our relationship with God (the Divine/Great Spirit/ Jehovah/the Universe/whatever) through a series of cooperative workshops based upon the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Noted as being Judaic in origin, the symbol designated as the Tree of Life is claimed by some esoteric scholars to have more ancient roots, stemming from Egypt and even Atlantis (if you believe in that sort of thing). It is a tool which acts as a road map of the Universe, leading from the individual to God and back again, with many stages and pathways in between.
Initiates in the Mystery Schools of old (and most recently, secret societies and Western-based esoteric lodges) used the Tree of Life as a meditative and divinatory device. This assisted the Initiate in facilitating their own relationship with the many aspects and manifestations of God, as well as their own Soul. This process is typically called a Pathworking, which is an intensive meditation communing with each pathway and sphere (called a Sephiroth) on the Tree to deepen one's understanding of the many symbols and meanings hidden within it.
With a total of 32 paths embedded within the Tree of Life, there is an almost unlimited number of ways to go about this process; however, some of the greatest Masters of the esoteric arts have contributed to perfecting this process over time, and with successful results.
Our Mystic Path program is designed to take Autumn and I's years of spiritual and philosophical tutelage in the shamanic arts, as well as the yoga tradition, to facilitate a series of Pathworkings exploring all 32 paths on the Tree of Life. There are many different traditions and practices within the Qabalah (some orthodox, some not); the Mystic Path involves the knowledge and practices as provided to us by the founder of the Institute for Spiritual Archaeology, John Nichols. John has worked within the lineage directly connected to one of the greatest mystics to have sprung out of the Western Mystery Tradition: Dion Fortune! I'm thrilled, as Dion has been one of my heroes for years and years, a prime inspiration for my spirit-walk. Dion Fortune was a big-time guru in the British occult scene back in the early 20th Century. A prolific writer and successful psychologist, Dion was instrumental in formulating the most comprehensive synthesis on the Qabalah with hermetic magical arts to date. She dubbed this ancient practice: "The Yoga of the West."
Below is the family tree of the lineage we are working from, connecting teacher-to-apprentice four generations back. It is important to Autumn and I to honor those that have passed down this knowledge through the generations:
John has an incredible mind and heart, and is a true friend! Right now, he is Florida currently getting his hands on a boat to discover if there is anything to the recent claims of underwater pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle. You can review his exploits on the Institute for Spiritual Archaeology's website! Good luck John!
Our Pathworkings will begin the Spring Equinox of 2014. With a total of 32 paths, each path lasts for two weeks each for a total Pathworking series of 64 weeks (15 months). It is a long endeavor which will require a lot of discipline. But, my apprenticeship in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition was longer, so I imagine I will be fine. We are currently gathering like-minded folk who are willing to participate in the journey with us, not as spectators, but as active and equal participants taking responsibility for their own Pathworking, at the same time adhering to the integrity of a group consciousness. If you are interested, let me know!
The Lodge of the People Mystery School (Autumn and I's educational community) will be offering two classes before the actual Pathworkings begin. The classes will assist in preparing individuals for the 15 months ahead. They are:
- TREE OF LIFE 101 - An introduction into the Qaballah Tree of Life, the theory and cosmology behind the Tree, as well as various practices of working with the Tree both magically and mystically.
- RITUAL SPACE 102 - Importance of establishing a ceremonial ground for the Work via integration of various spiritual disciplines. Includes creation of altar and ceremony to use during the Pathworkings.
Dates for these classes will be posted soon!
I am looking forward to blogging about these experiences in the future, livening this website some more, and for the adventure or partaking in this buffet of experience (thanks John) that the Universe is providing for us right now. Will keep you updated!