Tonight I made my first smudge wand:

The large feather is a little over a foot long, a turkey feather my wife and I found walking in the woods. We found the smaller feathers later that same walk as well, but could not identify them. The handle is made from wood, wrapped in suede leather and hemp rope. To secure the leather and knots, I used a special eco-friendly leather glue that can be found at Michael's hobby store. I constructed the whole thing in candle light. Once completed, I blessed it with frankincense, aqua de florida, and (of course) sage. It makes a great addition to my mesa, sitting with my other Wiracocha feather.
I'm pretty proud. It's my first self-made shamanic object. Next, I aim to work on either a walking or chonta staff.

The large feather is a little over a foot long, a turkey feather my wife and I found walking in the woods. We found the smaller feathers later that same walk as well, but could not identify them. The handle is made from wood, wrapped in suede leather and hemp rope. To secure the leather and knots, I used a special eco-friendly leather glue that can be found at Michael's hobby store. I constructed the whole thing in candle light. Once completed, I blessed it with frankincense, aqua de florida, and (of course) sage. It makes a great addition to my mesa, sitting with my other Wiracocha feather.
I'm pretty proud. It's my first self-made shamanic object. Next, I aim to work on either a walking or chonta staff.